Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It's craft day!

I am blessed to have two special friends in my life; one I met in forth grade when we were 9 and the second when we were 20! We are an awesome trio and generally share the same interests; clothing, jewelry, decorating our homes, eating chocolate and desserts as well as crafting! Once a month we try our hands at a project, some have flopped, which we laugh about, others are a complete success! 

Today was a fun day ... first we made Easter shadowboxes with scrapbook paper and embellished with a variety of findings!

Each of us brings out own style when we create.  I love vintage and my box is on the left, Mar loves lots of bling, her box in the center and Cher has a lots of patience and her creations are precise and very classy!

After project one, we had lunch followed by amazing homemade chocolate salted caramel cupcakes! Mmmmm, ao good!

For the second project we decoupaged paper mache eggs with word tissue paper. Mine is accented with old pearls, vintage lace and seam binding with millinery velvet flowers! I think it looks adorable in a vintage glass basket!

My house is festive with chicks, bunnies and eggs ready for spring and Easter!


Check out my Etsy shop for some of my vintage Easter findings!


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