Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's April...Happy Birthday to Me!

Delish birthday treat!

Yep, it's April, my beau likes to tease me and says I celebrate my birthday the entire month of April. And, I say,what is wrong with that? 

It's true I enjoy my birthday, it is a chance to celebrate another year of life! Age is just a number I do not really mind getting older, because in my head I am still feel 20 something! Woo hoo!

My daughter asked what my birthday treat request was, and I found a banana cupcake with dulce de leche frosting on Pinterest and sent it off to her. The cupcakes she produced were a labor of love with everything homemade and they were amazing. Kudos Natalie, she has become quite the baker! In her adulthood she has also become wonderful at finding just the right gifts for her mama, it is nice that she pays attention to my passions!

The April baby has a diamond birthstone! Diamonds are a girl's best friends and I love diamonds but overall I prefer costume jewelry!  Like this fascinating Art Deco crystal necklace:

Vintage Deco Crystal Necklace - Isn't it divine!

Diamonds’ sparkling fire has captivated for centuries, inspiring passionate myths of romance, intrigue and magic. Ancient Hindus, finding diamonds washed out of the ground after storms, believed they were created by bolts of lightning. The diamond is a symbol of enduring love.

My astrologic sign is Aries and some of the characteristics of the Ram are:
Enterprising, Incisive, Spontaneous, Daring, Active, Courageous and Energetic, Guileless and Optimistic to the fault. However, they also are Impatient, Reckless, Proud and Self Centered.

Hmmm.... I'd have to say most of those traits match my personality.  I try to keep upbeat and my friends often call me courageous.  I have bounds of energy and love spontaneity!  At my worst I am impatient!  

April has already been filled with birthday fun, friends, lunches, dinners, thoughtful gifts, beautiful cards and lots of love and good wishes. I am blessed and what more can a girl ask for? xo
To see a selection of birthday gifts please visit my ETSY shop:



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