Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Coconut oil... Who knew?

At Christmas, I saw an idea on Pinterest for sugar scrub.. . which I made... it was easy-peasy to create with just 3 ingredients. 1) coconut oil 2) lemon essence oil 3) granulated sugar. I packaged the scrub in pretty bottles with a "lemon picture tag" and it made a lovely gift for my friends.

Since I started using this "magic potion", my skin has not been itchy or dry as it normally is this time of year! And, my son with excema has had good results as well. Awesome, I love this stuff!

In a week, my daughter and I are hosting a baby shower for my niece, she's having a girl! Hooray!

For the shower favor I whipped up more of the sugar scrub, this time with grapefruit oil. I'm partial to the lemon scent, next time I shall stick to that!

When I perfect the sugar scrub I will pass along the recipe... still need to experiment with the right combination of ingredients!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cherry Crumble Pie

My Mom makes the best pie crusts!

Sour Cherries Picked in July
Brrr, it's so cold and snowy, definitely hibernation time. A great day to bring some summer sunshine to a bleak winter day with a sour cherry crumble topped pie.  I love, love, love sour cherries! These beauties were just begging to be baked into a mouth-watering pie. Yummy!

The caveat is, I'm awful at making pie crusts! However, my Mom makes awesome pies. She's had plenty of practice .. married 65 years, she is always making a pie.  I would estimate she has made about 1,500 pies, give or take, in her life! Wow, you go Mom!

One day, I hope to master a pie crust like my Mother. Until then, call me very fortunate my Mom is willing to share with her lucky daughter and family. It is her way of showing love. Thanks for being my role model Mom!

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Valentine Locket

Victorian Heart Locket with Paste Gold Filled
Sterling Heart Locket on Beaded Chain

I clearly recall the day I fell in love with lockets.  In an antique shop, the owner pulled from the showcase a Victorian oval locket with etched flowers and tourmaline.  I held my breath, the locket was stunning and it had to be mine!  

Ever since that day, I have acquired and sold hundreds of lockets and they continue to be my favorite keepsake to offer!  Full of romance and vintage appeal, I adore lockets.

The locket is the quintessential treasure for a gal of any age.  The heart shape especially speaks of love; tuck a photo of your beloved inside and wear it next to your heart.

Valentine's day is near, what better way to convey love than a heart locket? xo

Pictured are two of my favorite lockets which are available in My Etsy Shop.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

21st Birthday

Happy 21st Birthday!
What do you think of the card I created?

My baby turned 21 yesterday, a wonderful milestone worth celebrating!
It is exciting to see the fabulous young man he has become.. and the potential of his future.
In a way, I can pat myself on the back for my role as a single parent navigating the bumpy course of adolescence.

Sadly, his Dad passed when he was the formative age of 12.  The subsequent years could have gone awry with negative behavior, however, with a great support system of family, friends, coaches and mentors things turned out just fine.

My son reminds me so much of his father, through an action, stance, the way he laughs or says something but mostly his caring and loving spirit. It's a gift that warms my heart.

He was a little love as a child, a charmer that could make you laugh... and as a adult, he thankfully still is. I am proud to be his mama!

To observe the birthday, his sister, five years his senior, planned a fun evening. She's always been like a second mother and I'm grateful they enjoy sharing time with one another.

Truly I am blessed!
My favorite baby picture... pretty darn cute (opinion of a biased Mom)!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Collecting Vintage Valentine Cards

German Google Eyed Valentine Sweethearts Baking Cookies... Love! 
German Google Eyed Sweethearts With Bucket of Hearts.... Adorable!

Vintage Valentine I Received in Second Grade by Gibson Company

I've Lost My Head Over You My Valentine!

Unusual Victorian Cupid Valentine!
Amongst what I collect and LOVE are vintage Valentine greeting cards.  The cards of yesteryear are so enchanting ... they speak to my vintage soul! 

During the season of love my home is adorned with a charming assortment. My beau calls Valentine's day my "Super-bowl"... yep, it absolutely is!

Pictured above are some of my cherished favorites.... I especially adore German Valentines with google eyes. 

Also, the cards with silly sentiments such as "Peas be my pod'ner" or "I've lost my head over you"!  

My collection includes grade school valentine's I treasure, especially one from my best friend when we met in 4th grade! 

The latest addition was a Christmas gift, the spectacular Victorian Cupid.  Oh hopelessly romantic me... Cupid's arrow has struck! 

Click here to check out my vintage Valentine findings

Friday, January 23, 2015

Keepsake Rolling Pin and Heart Cookie Cutter

Cut-Out Heart Cookies

She loved to bake cookies and no holiday was complete without her famous cut-outs.  Fat, puffy, and lightly browned... mmmm, delicious!  Betty or "B", as she was affectionately called, was my mother-in-law as well as role model for 35 years. She was a sweetie pie and Betty's way of showing love was to bake. Ironically, her last act before she went in the hospital and subsequently passed, was to bake a batch of cookies. 

Betty leaves behind a loving legacy and I am now the blessed recipient of her rolling pin and cookie cutters and hope I can perfect her skill! Using these priceless implements makes me feel close to Betty.... and she is always in my heart.  (frosting these confections is going to be a project for another day)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

From the Diary to the Blog... Creative Expression

antique altered book with vintage lace
Remember the diaries of youth?  Floral print on the cover, locked with a tiny key. Holding such exciting thoughts from a 9-year old "Today I played with Peggy!"  Priceless.  
In high school, my favorite class ever was English, a teacher so cool she gave us a year long assignment of free-writing in a journal.  My innermost thoughts spilled across the pages in neat printing in a notebook decorated with favorite images cut from magazines.  Not very sophisticated, but it held my teenage world. I can still see it in my mind's eye though it is long gone..
Social media has altered the face of journaling and diaries... most of us participate in a form of writing, be it a blog, Facebook,  Pinterest, Twitter.... feelings, ideas and thoughts are shared for all to see.  
.... herein you will find my two cents....  XO