Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cherry Crumble Pie

My Mom makes the best pie crusts!

Sour Cherries Picked in July
Brrr, it's so cold and snowy, definitely hibernation time. A great day to bring some summer sunshine to a bleak winter day with a sour cherry crumble topped pie.  I love, love, love sour cherries! These beauties were just begging to be baked into a mouth-watering pie. Yummy!

The caveat is, I'm awful at making pie crusts! However, my Mom makes awesome pies. She's had plenty of practice .. married 65 years, she is always making a pie.  I would estimate she has made about 1,500 pies, give or take, in her life! Wow, you go Mom!

One day, I hope to master a pie crust like my Mother. Until then, call me very fortunate my Mom is willing to share with her lucky daughter and family. It is her way of showing love. Thanks for being my role model Mom!


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