Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Dear Mom!

They say home is where the heart is and the heart of the home is definitely Mom!

Today I am blessed to celebrate a milestone birthday with my dear Mother, 85 years and going strong.  A few months ago, we went through a scare; there was a negative finding which led to a plethora of tests. Thankfully the end result were cysts. God is good! The thought of my sweet mom being ill devastated me and I know it is inevitably going to come ...  each day is a gift.

Mom taught me countless lessons during my upbringing and to this day, I learn from her. Above all she showed me how to love by example. Her devotion to family and taking care of us all. She taught me faith, the satisfaction of a job well done and about working hard. Mom loves to bake, her apple pie is the best... and her comfort foods; pigs in the blanket, chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles, and try as I may cannot duplicate her pork roast. Her home is spotless and decorated beautifully. 

Mom always understood the cozy side of life…her love of sewing produced gorgeous quilts to snuggle up with and adorn our beds as well. There were soft pajamas for a night of pleasant dreams. Not to mention the charming outfits she made my daughter during her childhood!

Mom is feisty, strong, and sharp as a tack. She is up on the current trends and does crossword puzzles all the time to keep her mind keen.

As a grandmother, I witnessed her loving care through fresh eyes dedicated to my daughter and son from the moment they were born to this day.

There are not words to describe my gratitude for my Mom's affection...  she is a blessing and my role model.

Happy Birthday Mom! xo


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