Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Retail Therapy Anyone?

Most of us love "stuff" ... and many women enjoy shopping. There are a plethora of clever quotes about retail therapy. For instance "Keep calm and go shopping" or "Shopping costs the same as therapy but I get a new dress".

Admittedly, I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, not only for vintage treasures but for the perfect outfit and accessories. We girls love to adorn ourselves and our homes ... it makes us feel good. After all you are special why not treat yourself!

Nine years ago, my husband became ill and suddenly passed away. My heart was broken and although I was surrounded by loving friends and family, there was the void. When my head hit the pillow at night my thoughts were that I survived another day being alone; a widow a single parent, no longer a wife. Eventually I built a new and different life for myself.  It is filled with joy and new adventures, my friends call me brave. I made a choice to move forward.  

So, what does this have to do with shopping you ask? My confession is that I needed a distraction from loss and grief, and therefore, shopped. Is my house filled with too many possessions? Umm, yep, but in the end, I have learned about vintage collectibles and it has fueled my passion for creating and enjoyment of online selling. And I have an outlet in my ETSY shop for purging the belongings whenever I am ready! xoxo


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