Monday, February 9, 2015

My World of Quirkiness

Vintage figurines on Victorian corner shelf
Because I am fascinated with a variety of collectibles my home can best be described as eclectic to say to the least!

and.. the range of my vintage treasures can be defined as eccentric and quirky with a touch of sweetness.

I am head over heels for Victorian shelves such as the one pictured, my kids poke fun at me ... Hey Mom you've got an empty wall, how about another shelf?!  At last count, I have 11! Is that too many?

The umbrella shelf is definitely different ... I love the ladies holding their parasols, it makes me smile. Adorning the shelf is a pair of German composition half dolls with wigs, porcelain lady figurines, a lady box and a celluloid lady comb, frivolities I enjoy!

So what kind of collectibles make your heart go pitter patter?
German Porcelain Half Doll

Click on the link to find unique collectibles in my Etsy shop:


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