Tuesday, February 17, 2015

When One Door Closes...

A sunny yellow door sits in my garden, it adds a touch of whimsy, don't you think?  

When you think about it, doors represent an opportunity. Each day when you enter a door it's a chance to do your best; at a job, in your relationships, social events, church, where-ever you are...

There is a quote by Alexander Graham Bell "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us".

In life, it's a fact, doors close... and it can be darn painful. When a new door opens, however, hopefully it presents a more favorable situation.  

In the past six months, I experienced two altering incidents. The first was the decision to close my shop on Ruby Lane, which my late hubby helped me open 9 years ago. 2013 was my most successful year, however, the site implemented changes that did not seem conducive to continued growth.  I was shelling out a fee for marketing but everyone I queried had never heard of the site. Pretty much everyone knows about ETSY! Even though I am starting from square one, I'm praying for a favorable outcome selling on ETSY!

The second occurrence was the door that slammed in my face when my position at work was terminated. It had to happen because it was an unsavory atmosphere, yet still after four years of employment, it was took some adjusting on my part.

I have enjoyed the time off ... partook in much needed classes in Excel and PowerPoint wooohoo! Spent quality time with family. Tried to increase my knowledge about marketing on ETSY, started this blog and was able to be creative repurposing jewels again... hooray! And the best part, I was able to hibernate in this very chilly and quite snowy winter... brrr! My goal of getting stuff organized ... is best described as procrastination!

And so I ponder when new doors open... what will be inside?



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